Rabu, 14 November 2018

Latihan Soal Bab: Teks Pengalaman Masa Lalu

The text for number 1 up to 5
This is our classroom. It is large. The floor is always clean. We clean it every morning.It has a blackboard, a door and four windows. The wall is green. On the wall, there are some pictures, a calendar, the coat of arms of Garuda and the pictures of our president and vice president. The cupboard is at the corner and the map hangs above it. There are twenty-four desks and forty-eight chairs for the pupils..

1.      What is the kind of the text above?
A. Descriptive Text
B. Recount Text
C. Narrative Text
D. Procedure Text
2.      What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To explain how to make a classroom
B. To describe Garuda in the classroom
C. To describe the writer’s classroom
D. To tell how to clean the classroom
3.      Where is the picture of the president?
It is …..
A.    on the cupboard
B.     on the wall
C.     at the corner
D.    upon the floor
4.     How many chairs are there in the classroom?
A.     20                          C.  40
B.     30                          D.  50
5.     “The cupboard is at the corner and the map hangs above it.” The word IT refers to ….
A.    cupboard                C. wall
B.    corner                     D. Map

The text below for number 6 up to 10
          Last year some students of Mataram School went to Kartini beach Jepara for Karimunjawa Island. They went there with a group of Jepara drivers. They were getting there by Mutiara Fery.
          Soon after their arrival at Karimunjawa , they got a general briefing. It included a description about how to take pictures under water.
          They saw groups of tiny fish. In order to identify kinds of fish, they needed a good guide. Without some knowledge of their habitat and behavior, it was difficult to identify.
          In summary, the trip was mostly enjoyable. This place is so impressive with its life.

6. What is the kind of the text above?
A. Descriptive Text
B. Recount Text
C. Narrative Text
D. Procedure Text
7. Below are the language features of the text, except...
A. Uses Simple Past Tense
B. Uses Specific Noun
C. Uses Simple Present Tense
D. Uses times connection.
8. Which is the true generic structure of the text?
A. Orientation - Events – Reorientation
B. Orientation – Reorientation – Events
C. Identification – Description
D. Orientation – Events – Description
9. In which paragraph “Reorientation” is written?
A. first
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
10. What is the text tell us about?
A. The beach
B. The School
C. The Trip
D. The Students

II. Complete the missing words by choosing the best options.
The Trip

Yesterday, on October 23, my mom ……(15)…….. me off at Nana’s house.
Once we had a snack, I went to the eye doctor and she ……(16)…… my eye’s. Then she tested Nana’s eyes.
After lunch, I ……..(17)….. on the computer. First I played Frogger but I got squished by the cars.
After I …….(18)….. on the computer I …..(19)……to watch TV.
It was a good day. I …….(20)……school.

A. took
B. dropped
C. Put
D. laid
 A. examined
B. noticed
C. watched
D. studied
A.  broke
B. turned on
C. played
D. switched off

A. started
B. hit
C. finished
D. began
A. started
B. hit
C. finished
D. began
A. went
B. missed
C. played truant
D. was out

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