Jumat, 23 November 2018


I.                   Pilihan Ganda.
1.      Aulia   : I think the weather today is too bad for us to go dating.
Fadil    : __________
A.    Enjoy your dating
B.     Let’s go to Marina beach
C.     Yes. We’d better cancel our dating
D.    I don’t think I can attend the match in this date

2.      Rahmat            : I think you are less energized these past few days. What happened?
Rina                 : Nothing to worry. I’m just bored with my life.
Rahmat            : ___________
A.    I’m sorry. I don’t care
B.     Let’s go to the Neurology
C.     I’m sure you’re only acting
D.    I think you should take time to have fun

3.      Bayu    : How about discussing your problems with me tonight?
Dorse   : I’m sorry. I will go to my grandmother’s home after this.
What does Dorse mean with her sentence?
A.    She does not like Bayu
B.     She hates Bayu very much
C.     She accepts Bayu’s suggestion
D.    She rejects Bayu’s suggestion to talk about her problem

4.      Ferdiawan       : I’m getting a headache.
Aji                   : ____________
A.    Could you be quite, please?
B.     What’s the matter with you?
C.     Why don’t you take some medicine?
D.    Lucky for me. I’ve never had one like you.

5.      Mrs. Anny       : I’ve just got back to work after hospitalized for a week.
The Boss         : ____________
A.    Are you sad?
B.     Why do you come back?
C.     You should not eat too much.
D.    You’d better work half day for today

6.      Mother                        : Think twice before you decide to marry a man much older than you!
Daughter         : ____________
A.    Say nothing else
B.     I don’t care what you say
C.     I have not thought about that thing
D.    Please do not interrupt. That’s not your business

7.      Mia                  : You should focus on your study since the final exam is near.
Wahyu             : _____________. I’m fed up with your suggestion on me.
A.    Just mind your own business!
B.     Thank you very much
C.     You are so kind
D.    Thanks a lot

8.      Viar                 : There’s nothing interesting on Tv.
Riski                : ____________
A.    How about it?
B.     Let’s go to the movie theater then.
C.     We have to go to the kitchen right now!
D.    Would you go to coffee shop with me now?

9.      Kusuma           : I am tired of watching this movie. There are too many violence there.
Ardana                        : I agree with you. _________ the channel?
A.    I should change
B.     I must change
C.     Should I change?
D.    Would we rather change?

10.  Alvito              : Let’s watch football match at Jatidiri Stadium!
Ayu                 : ____________
What is the possible answer from Ayu if she wants to reject?
A.    Yes, good idea
B.     I think we must watch directly there
C.     Thank you, but I have another agenda
D.    Thank you, you are very good person I ever met

11.  Zalsa                : Why don’t you take your breakfast first before going to school?
Dian                : ______________
What is the possible answer from Dian if she wants to reject?
A.    No, thank you. I’ll be late if I take it now.
B.     Yes, thank you Zalsa
C.     You are Zalsa
D.    No, yes.

12.  Purnomo          : I have sent her many messages for a week, but I haven’t received any response from her.
Tamara            : ___________ go to her house and meet her face to face?
A.    Are you
B.     Should you
C.     Why do you
D.    Why don’t you

13.  Aldilla             : I can’t translate these sentences into passive voice form.
Ota                  : Why don’t we use Google Translate instead of our minds?
What is the underlined utterance tells us?
A.    Supporting suggestion
B.     Declining the suggestion
C.     Making a different suggestion
D.    Asking a question to Google Translate

14.   Diwandani     : Shall we call the headmaster to overcome our classroom’ problems?
Majid               : I don’t like your idea because it will just make our problems bigger
What is the underlined utterance tells us?
A.    Supporting suggestion
B.     Declining the suggestion
C.     Making a different suggestion
D.    Asking a question to Google Translate

15.  Students          : We are bored of monotonous school activities.
Mrs. Sabrina    : How about cleaning our classroom to refresh our minds?
What is the underlined utterance tells us?
A.    Asking question
B.     Making suggestion
C.     Supporting suggestion
D.    Declining students’ suggestion

II.                Essay
Silakan masing-masing kalimat suggestion di bawah ini direspon dengan Menyetujui & Menolak! (Satu nomor dua jawaban)
1.      Let’s eat out at Upnormal after school !
2.      How about using our pictures at Lawangsewu as your phone’s wallpaper?
3.       Shall we keep our money at the Bank?
4.      Should I buy Vario or Mio?
5.      Would you like me to wash your dirty clothes?

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