Senin, 21 Januari 2019

Materi Uprak TKR

I.         Kompetensi
Mampu berbicara dalam bahasa inggris ketika melakukan wawancara kerja.

II.           Indikator
Peserta didik mampu melakukan “Job Interview” dalam Bahasa Inggris

III.  Soal ujian praktek
1. Could you tell me about yourself?
(Bisakah kamu ceritakan tentang diri anda?)
a.   Of course, I can.
b. My name is Angga. My full name is ..... atau...
c.   My name is Angga Novian, you can call me Angga.
d. I am from Semarang.
e.   I am 19 years old
f.    And I’m the boy number ..... from .....

2. Tell me your education background!
(Ceritakan latar belakang pendidikan)
I was graduated from Mataram Vocational High School at the year 2019. (Two thousand and Nineteen)
3. Why do you think this job is interesting?
(Kenapa kamu pikir pekerjaan ini menarik?)
Because, I think ....... (terserah)
1. this job suits with my skill and my education.
2. This is the job that I always dream of

4. Did you have any experiences before? Please explain
(apakah kamu punya pengalaman bekerja sebelumnya?)
Jawab sesuai keinginan.
Kalo belum punya pengalaman:
·      I’m sorry sir, I haven’t had any experiences before. This is the first time for me to get job.
Kalo sudah punya pengalaman:
·      Yes, I have experience. I was working at (sebut nama kantor dan pekerjaannya) for ...... (berapa tahun)
5. What will you do if you are accepted in this company?
(Apa yang akan kamu lakukan jika diterima disini?)
·      I will do my best for this company with full dedication and determination
·      I will raise the quality of this company with a hard work
6. Why do you think that we have to accept you?
(Kenapa menurutmu kami harus menerima anda bekerja disini?)
·      Because I need this job
·      Because I am the best for this qualify
·      Because I am a high dedicated-man and full of focus.
7. How much salary are you looking for? Tell me your reason
(Kamu mau gaji berapa? Alasannya...?)
·      Bergantung pada kreatifitas kalian.
8. Please tell me your superiority and your weaknesess
(Beritahu kami kelebihan dan kekuranganmu)
·      Bergantung pada jawaban masing2
9. Merespon thank you
·      You are welcome
·      Anytime
10.   Merespon have a nice day
·      Have a nice day too sir.

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