Selasa, 26 Februari 2019

Test : Dialogue

1.            Rani         : I think that some gamers here are lazy.
Raka       : ___________, sometimes gamers learn lots of vocabularies from their games.
What is the best expression to complete the dialogue?
A.    I agree.
B.     I think so.
C.     That’s very true.
D.    I don’t entirely agree
E.     That is what I was thinking.

2.            Pete : “Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”
Kate : “Thank you, I’d love to.”
What does the underlined expression mean?
A.    Greeting
B.     Refusing an offer
C.     Accepting an invitation
D.    Cancelling a reservation
E.     Agreeing to an appointment

3.            Mr. Budi            :           Well, it hasn’t been easy, but I think I have finally made up my mind.
Asti:                   So, who is it, Sir?
Mr. Budi            :           Well, you’re both excellent candidates and you’ve got the competence.
                           Which is why we’ve decided … (pauses)
Anton:                Who, Sir? Who?
Mr. Budi            :           (continues)… to split the job and have two managers.
Anton:                Oh. Great!
Asti:                   Thanks, Sir. We won’t let you down.

What is the correct expression Mr. Budi would say?
A.    Thanks for the good job.
B.     Congratulations to both of you.
C.     Well done guys, we’re proud of you.
D.    I think two managers will do well for us.
E.     I’d like to invite you to come to the meeting

4.            Rossi:     I heard your grandmother is ill now.
Dina:      Yes, she is. She has been in the hospital for almost one week.
Rossi:     ___________
Dina:      Thank you. She is getting better now.

The most suitable expression to complete the dialog is …
A.    It’s terrible.
B.     Are you okay?
C.     She is fine.
D.    Is the hospital far?
E.     I’m sorry to hear that
5.            Rina:       Where were you? You’re 15 minutes late. The concert already started.
Ronald: Oh sorry. I had to pick my sister up. Then, I went to “Yummy Cafe” for lunch.
Rina:       You should call me when you’re late. In addition, you ought to manage your time better.
Ronald: Thank you, dear.
From the dialogue above, we can say that Rina is....
A.    giving commands.
B.     offering suggestions.
C.     asking for suggestions.
D.    showing her agreement.
E.     complaining about Ronald’s behaviour.

6.            Clark      : Dan Brown’s books are masterpieces.
John        : ... He must have gotten many awards for what he has written.
         What is the best expression to fill in the blank?
A.    I’m not sure.
B.     I have no idea.
C.     I don’t think so.
D.    That must be true.
E.     I am doubtful about it.

7.            Ferdian  :  Some of our friends will join the concert tomorrow.
                        Would you like to go with me?
         Anggi     .... It will be very interesting. I need to refresh my mind this time.
A.    I’ve already got my own plan.
B.     I don’t think I can come.
C.     What a great idea!
D.    Well, I’m not sure.
E.     I like concert.

8.            Dika       : I won the competition yesterday.
Hendri    : Really? That's very great. Please accept my warmest congratulations.
Dika       : Thanks for saying so.
Hendri    : You are welcome.
We can assume that.…
A.    Dika regrets that he losts the competition
B.     Dika and Hendri join the competetition
C.     Hendri doesn’t like Dika’s won
D.    Dika congratulates to Hendri
E.     Hendri congratulates to Dika

9.            Anna   : Why do you look so sad?
Vina    : I lost my mobile phone.
Anna   : I’m sorry to hear that. When did it happen?
Vina    : It happened when I went to railroad station to buy a ticket yesterday.
Anna   : Have you contacted your mobile phone number?
Vina    : I have contacted several times, but it seems my mobile phone number is not active.
Anna   : You should contact the police.
Vina    : Thanks for your advice. I will try it later.
         From the dialogue above we can assume that…
A.    Anna gives advice to Vina.
B.     Anna lost her mobile phone.
C.     Anna gives agreement to Vina.
D.    Vina suggests contacting the police.
E.     Vina asks Anna about mobile phone.

10.        Mom    : Danu, what are you doing, you are going to be late!
Danu   : I am not going to go to school mom.
Mom    : What..? What did you say, what’s wrong with you? Are you sick?
Dana    : Yes, my head aching, it’s bothering me!
Mom    : Oh.. My poor boy, you should not go to school today.
Danu   : yes mom.
         From the dialogue above we know that …
A.    mom agrees that Danu is not going to school.
B.     mom suggests Danu to stay at home.
C.     mom wants Danu goes to school.
D.    Danu is late to school.
E.     Danu is a poor boy.

11.        Patrick : How often do you have basketball matches?
Dylan   : We usually play on Saturday mornings, but sometimes we have a match in
the afternoon instead.
Patrick  : I think I play better in the morning, actually. How about you?
Dylan     : I do too. It isn’t much fun playing after lunch.       
Patrick    : Have you ever seen the national team?
Dylan     : Only on TV. Who’s your favorite player?
Patrick    : I like Michael Jordan. I think he is such a great player. Do you think so?
Dylan     : Yes, I do. He’s incredible! Oh, here’s the coach now. Better start warming up!
What does Dylan express?
A.       Expressing agreement.
B.        Expressing satisfaction.
C.        Asking for an apology.
D.       Expressing gratitude.
E.        Showing happiness.

12.        Nita        : What are you doing this weekend?
Lia          : I’m going to see my aunt. She’s teaching how to make a pan cake. How about you?
Nita        : I’m not sure. I’d like to see some movies but I’ve watched them before.
Lia          : How about coming along with me?
Nita        : But I’m not fond of cooking.

What does the underlined expression mean?
A.       Lia invites Nita to join her.
B.        Lia asks Nita where she comes from.
C.        Lia asks Nita her opinion about cooking.
D.       Lia invites Nita to watch some movies on the weekend.
E.        Lia wants to know whether Nita wants to watch movie with her.

13.              Vanessa           : Jackie, you’ll never guess my news.
Jackie              : What?
Vanessa           : I’ve got an audition for one of the lead parts in the school play.
                          Jackie            : Really? Oh, that’s wonderful. Congratulations and good luck!

What is the conversation about?
A.          Celebrating Vanessa’s audition.
B.           Congratulating Vanessa for her audition.
C.           Reminding about Vanessa’s appointment.
D.          Discussing Vanessa’s audition.
E.           Asking about Vanessa’s audition.

14.  Miriam     : Did you do anything exciting this weekend?
Helen       : Well, on Saturday we went to the safari park, but it was a complete disaster.
Miriam     : Why? What happened?
Helen       : Well, the first problem was actually getting in. There was an enormous queue
     and we had to wait for over an hour before we got to the gate.
Miriam     : How awful!
Helen       : Then, our car got stuck in some sand when we tried to take a short cut. The
   park warden had to call the rescue service to pull us out.
Miriam     : What a nightmare!

What does Miriam express?
A. Inability.
B.  Disagreement.
C.  Sympathy.
D. Uncertainty.
E.  Agreement.

15.     Man                       :  I’m really tired. We still have a discussion at 2 p.m.
Woman      :  Why don’t we postpone the discussion?
Man                       :  It’s a good idea.

What can we learn from the dialogue?
A. They are not tired anymore.
B.  The discussion will be postponed.
C.  They will have a discussion.
D. They have another business.
E.  The discussion will be held at 2 p.m.

16.     Alex      :That was the most terrible film I’ve ever seen!
        Julia      :  …. It was awful, wasn’t it?
        What is Julia’s best response?
A.    Neither do I.
B.     I may be right.
C.     OK, fair enough.
D.    I can’t agree more.
E.     I don’t agree with you.

17.  Man                       : Do you have any plan tonight?
Woman                  : No, I don’t. Why?
Man                       : Would you come with me to Dan’s birthday party?
Woman                  : ….
       What is the woman’s best response?
A.      Thanks. The same to you.
B.       How about joining us?
C.       That sounds great.
D.      I’ll let you know.
E.       Congratulation!
18.        Ann meets Mike, a classmate in primary school, on her way home from school.
            Ann        : Mike? Is that you?
            Mike       : Ann! I haven’t seen you for ages!
            Ann        : Yeah, at last two years since we graduated. You’ve changed! You look completely different!
            Mike       : Well, I’m still the same person inside, but I decided to change my image. You know how I used to be … introvert, shy, and not confident. It was hard for me to make friends.
            Ann        : Yeah …so you had a makeover?
Mike       : That’s right!
            Ann        : And?
            Mike       : Well, I’ve got a lot of friends since then.
            Ann        : Wow! Well done. That sounds very interesting.
We learn from the conversation that Ann ….
A.    has a different opinion on makeover
B.     turns out to study in the same school
C.     congratulates the man on his new look
D.    feels excited that Mike has done the makeover
E.     is in such a hurry that she is ready to say goodbye

19.           Sandra    : Why is Diana absent?
Ashifa    :
Her father passed away.
Sandra    : I’m deeply sorry to hear that. Why didn’t you tell me before?
Ashifa    : I’ve just heard the news.
From the dialogue,
we may assume that ….
A.    Diana is absent because her father passed away.
B.     Ashifa tells the sad news to Sandra.
C.     Ashifa is happy to hear the news.
D.    Ashifa gets present from Diana.
E.     How happy Sandra is.

20.           Daniel is entering his apartment bedroom when he sees his roommate Sammy look out of the window blankly.
Daniel        : How was today’s class, Sam? Didn’t you join Professor Jim’s class?
Sammy      : No, I didn’t.
Daniel        : Excuse me? Again? What’s the matter? By the way, you look so upset.
Sammy      : I am. … You know how Sally and I have been getting along lately. We finally broke up. I just don’t feel like doing anything.
Daniel        : Well, I think she doesn’t really deserve you. Listen, I once experienced this, so I know how you feel. If I were you, I’d never let myself down and sacrifice my study.
What can be implied from Daniel’s underlined sentence?
A.    He is expressing his annoyance to his roommate.
B.     He is giving a compliment to his roommate.
C.     He is giving advice to his roommate.
D.    He is discouraging his roommate.
E.     He is judging his roommate.

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