Selasa, 27 November 2018



I.                   Pilihan Ganda
1.      My baby will  _______ by my sister while I’m away
A.    look after
B.     looked after
C.     looking after
D.    be looked after
2.      I _____ loved by my mother for all my life
A.    is
B.     am
C.     are
D.    have
3.      ______ this movie directed by Raditya Dika?
A.    Is
B.     Am
C.     Are
D.    Have
4.      Louise is allowed to study abroad by her parents.
It means;
A.    Her parents would rather she study in Indonesia
B.     Her parents do not allow her to study abroad
C.     Her parents allow her to study abroad
D.    Her parents want her to stay
5.      Hashirama       : Do you know your English score?
Madara            : Not yet. It ___________ next week by Mr. Orochimaru
A.    is announced
B.     will announced
C.     will be announced
D.    will have be announced
6.      Mr. Teguh gives the students more tasks before showing them the scores
The passive form of the sentence above is …
A.    Mr. Teguh is given students more tasks before showing them the scores
B.     More tasks are given by Mr. Teguh before showing them the scores
C.     Students is given by more tasks for Mr. Teguh scores
D.    The scores are shown by Mr. Teguh before giving
7.      Naruto will eat ramen udon with Hinata everyday in the Canteen
The passive form of the sentence above is …
A.    Hinata will be eaten by Naruto everyday
B.     Hinata will be eaten ramen udon with Naruto
C.     Ramen udon will eat Naruto with Hinata everyday
D.    Ramen udon will be eaten by Naruto with Hinata everyday
8.       The mangos in my bag are stolen by that guy!
The active form of the sentence above is …
A.    The mangos is stolen
B.     The mangos are stolen by that guy
C.     That guy steals the mangos in my bag!
D.    Is that guy steal the mangos in my bag?
9.      Is it done by you?
What is the active form of the sentence above?
A.    Do you do it?
B.     Are you do it?
C.     Does you do it?
D.    Will you do it ?
10.  It will not be bought by me for you
The active form of that sentence is …
A.    You will not bought it for me
B.     You will not buy it for me
C.     I will not buy it for you
D.    I will buy it for you

II.                Essay
A.    Ubah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini ke dalam bentuk Passive.!
1.      My mother always cleans my room every morning
2.      The students take English course at Primagama
3.      My father sings that song everytime he takes a bath
4.      I do not understand the material about passive voice
5.      Do you want me?
B.     Ubah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini ke dalam bentuk active.!
1.      The TV is turned off by my parents every night
2.      The garbage is thrown away by my grandmother this morning
3.      I am not called by Mr. President to his office
4.      This phone is not bought by my sister for me
5.      Are those clothes brought here by him ?

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