Rabu, 31 Maret 2021

Latihan Soal Kelas 12 (Level Ujian Sekolah)

Hmmmmm sudah ku duga

Hai-hai semuanya.....
Kembali lagi kita bertemu dengan latihan soal untuk persiapa Ujian Sekolah (US), khususnya mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Bagaimana keadaan kalian? Masih tetap sehat dan semangat kan yaa....

Seperti soal-soal US pada umumnya, latihan soal pada kesempatan kali ini juga terdiri dari Dialog dan bacaan-bacaan ya, baik itu yang bacaan pendek juga yang bacaan panjang.

Seperti apa soal-soalnya, langsung saja cekidotttttttttt.


1.            Clark      : Dan Brown’s books are masterpieces.
John        : ... He must have gotten many awards for what he has written.
What is the best expression to fill in the blank?
A.    I’m not sure.
B.     I have no idea.
C.     I don’t think so.
D.    That must be true.
E.     I am doubtful about it.

2.            Ferdian  :  Some of our friends will join the concert tomorrow.
                  Would you like to go with me?
   Anggi   .... It will be very interesting. I need to refresh my mind this time.
A.    I’ve already got my own plan.
B.     I don’t think I can come.
C.     What a great idea!
D.    Well, I’m not sure.
E.     I like concert.


3.  Dika       : I won the competition yesterday.
    Hendri    : Really? That's very great. Please accept my warmest congratulations.
    Dika       : Thanks for saying so.
    Hendri    : You are welcome.
    We can assume that.…

A.    Dika regrets that he losts the competition
B.     Dika and Hendri join the competetition
C.     Hendri doesn’t like Dika’s won
D.    Dika congratulates to Hendri
E.     Hendri congratulates to Dika

4.           Anna   : Why do you look so sad?
Vina    : I lost my mobile phone.
Anna   : I’m sorry to hear that. When did it happen?
Vina    : It happened when I went to railroad station to buy a ticket yesterday.
Anna   : Have you contacted your mobile phone number?
Vina    : I have contacted several times, but it seems my mobile phone number is not active.
Anna   : You should contact the police.
Vina    : Thanks for your advice. I will try it later.
From the dialogue above we can assume that…
A.    Anna gives advice to Vina.
B.     Anna lost her mobile phone.
C.     Anna gives agreement to Vina.
D.    Vina suggests contacting the police.
E.     Vina asks Anna about mobile phone.

5.            Mom    : Danu, what are you doing, you are going to be late!
Danu   : I am not going to go to school mom.
Mom    : What..? What did you say, what’s wrong with you? Are you sick?
Dana    : Yes, my head aching, it’s bothering me!
Mom    : Oh.. My poor boy, you should not go to school today.
Danu   : yes mom.
From the dialogue above we know that …
A.    mom agrees that Danu is not going to school.
B.     mom suggests Danu to stay at home.
C.     mom wants Danu goes to school.
D.    Danu is late to school.
E.     Danu is a poor boy.

This text is for questions 6 to 8.

In recent years, the Detroit area has experienced important changes in its industry mix. Not by chance – by design. The Detroit Regional Chamber, local governments and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation have been successful in attracting new business to the area. The region is attractive to many companies because of the kinds of firms – potential customers – already doing business here. A significant change has been a shift from manufacturing employment to service sector employment, including business services, health care and engineering establishments. The service sector now makes up 33% of the area’s employment. In 2001, manufacturing companies employed 20% of the area’s workers, compared with 27% just 15 years ago.
Business services are the region’s largest employer and one of the fastest growing. Companies for computer and data processing services, engineering and architectural services, tourism and entertainment business, and training and education organizations are also expanding. Health services are the third-largest sector and employ about 181,000 people. Individual doctor’s offices and clinics, hospitals, and nursing and personal-care facilities are numerous and ready to provide top-notch care.


6.            All of these statements are true, except....
A.    A significant change includes business services, health care and engineering establishment.
B.     Detroit area has experienced important changes in its industry mix by chance.
C.     Manufacturing companies employed 20% of the area workers in 2001.
D.    Entertainment business gives most income in Detroit.
E.     Health services are the third largest sector.

7.            What does the text tell us?
A.    Potential customers
B.     Nursing and personal –care
C.     Expanding of training and tourism
D.    Health care and engineering establishment
E.     Business and industry trends in Detroit area

8.            The main idea of paragraph 2 is that....
A.    health services are the largest sector.
B.     top-notch care is provided by hospitals.
C.     hospitals are the fastest growing business.
D.    Detroit is attractive to so many companies.
E.     the business services are the fastest growing.

This text is for questions 9 to 11.

    This is to notify for all schools will be closed from June 2nd to 5th because of the Main Road bridge construction. Schools are not allowed to hold extracurricular in those days.

Local government

9.            What is the purpose of the text?
A.    to inform the schools about the bridge.
B.     to inform the schools closed for few days.
C.     to notify the local government about the construction.
D.    to announce the students to stay at home for few days.
E.     to explain the schools why the extracurricular is closed.

10.        What can we conclude from the notice?
A.    The extracurricular made the bridge collapsed.
B.     The schools are located far from the bridge.
C.     The schools have activities on the bridge.
D.    Students use the constructed bridge.
E.     The bridge is being constructed.

11.        Schools are not allowed to hold extracurricular in those days.
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A.    hoped
B.     ensured
C.     intended
D.    permitted
E.     forbidden

This text is for questions 12 to 14.
Mr. Carlo Mento
Blitz Computer.co.

Dear Mr. Mento,
I appreciate your prompt service.  The computers I ordered arrived in time. I have checked the whole package. All the packages are in good condition and the computers are really excellent.
The computers are of high standard that enable us to process data rapidly. In addition, the software is very practical and updated regularly.
Thank you once again for your contribution.

Kuncoro Jarwo
Manager of PT Pribadi Antara

12.        What is the purpose of the letter?
A.    To order new computers.
B.     To request computer repairs.
C.     To express thanks for the computer supplies.
D.    To inquire about the installation of computers.
E.     To complain about the quality of the computers.

13.        Why was Mr. Kuncoro satisfied with the computers?
A.    They are compact.
B.     They work quickly.
C.     They are compatible.
D.    They are very efficient.
E.     Their price is reasonable.

14.        How is the condition of the package when they are checked?
A.    They are new.
B.     They are excellent.
C.     They are very cheap
D.    They are very practical.
E.     They are high standard.

This text is for question 15.

Chocolate starts with a tree called the cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions, especially in places such as South America, Africa and Indonesia. The cocoa tree produces a fruit about the size of a small pineapple. Inside the fruit are the tree seeds, also known as cocoa beans.
The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun and then shipped to the chocolate maker .The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavor. Different beans from different places have different qualities and flavor, so they are often sorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix. Next, the roasted beans are winnowed. Winnowing removes the meat nib of the cocoa bean from its shell. Then the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter. All seeds contain some amount of fat, and cacao beans are not different. However, cocoa beans are half fat, which is why the ground nibs from liquid. It’s pure bitter chocolate.


15.        The text is about ....
A.    the cocoa tree
B.     the cocoa beans
C.     the raw chocolate
D.    the flavor of chocolate
E.     the making of chocolate

This text is for questions 16 and 17.
Dear Sir or Madam,

Yesterday I moved to a house rented from your agency in Brighton Boulevard. To my surprise, I found the house is not well maintained.

The master bedroom has no key. The air conditioner does not work. How could I use my washing machine if the outlet is missing? The worst of all is that the main faucet has broken that no water can flow. This makes me unable to wash, to cook and to do any other things.

I had told Mr. David, one of your employees, about my problems but I got no response from him. I also called your secretary Miss. Brown but again, there was no response.

I would appreciate if you send me a mechanic to have those problems fixed immediately.

Your faithfully

Sarah Johnson

16.        What is the letter about? It is a complaint about ….
A.    the bad room service of a house
B.     the bad respond from the employee
C.     the bad maintenance of a rental house
D.    the worst condition of the main faucet
E.     the unwell situation in the bedroom

17.        Who is responsible for the maintenance of the house?
A.    The agency.
B.     Miss. Brown.
C.     The mechanics.
D.    Sarah Johnson.
E.     The marketing manager.

This text is for questions 18 to 20.
We Should Change the Payment System
Nowadays, the system of payment gradually changes. Most people use debit cards instead of cash to make payment. They think it is more effective, efficient, easier, and simpler. However, there are still arguments about the use of debit cards as a method of payment.
Well, if you use the card, you will say that the card is so practical. You don’t need to count how much you should pay. When paying in cash, people are afraid of making mistakes in counting the banknote for both the payment and the change. With debit cards the mistakes is made smaller.
Moreover, you should know that the debit cards are safer than money. Suppose you bring a lot of money when travelling. If it is lost or stolen, you will be left with nothing in your hands. However, if you bring a debit card, you can just phone the bank which issues the card to block it.
On the other hand, people who disagree on the use of debit card will say that its use is so limited. When you buy something in a traditional market, or a vendor, for example, can you pay using a credit card? Of course not.
Another thing is that, if you want to use the card, you should make a purchase at minimum amount. If you make less than the minimum transaction, you cannot make use of the card.
For those reasons we think that credit cards are not fully effective as a means of payment. We should trace the incoming and ongoing money in our account. Besides, we have to control our habit of buying first, paying later habit. Otherwise, without being realised we are charged a lot. You don’t have to use credit cards if not necessary.

18.        What is the text about?
A.    Differences between payments by cash and credit cards.
B.     The disadvantages of paying in cash.
C.     The advantages of using credit cards.
D.    The advantages of using debit cards.
E.     Different payment systems.
19.        According to the text, one advantage of using the debit card is that ….
A.    it cannot be stolen
B.     it is as practical as using cash
C.     we can use it everywhere for shopping
D.    the possibility of mistakes in counting is smaller
E.     we can make a purchase at minimum amount
20.        What is paragraph 3 about?
A.    Debit cards for travelling.
B.     The advantage of debit cards over cash.
C.     The safety system of debit cards.
D.    What to do when you lose cash.
E.     How to bring a debit card.

This text is for questions 21 and 22.

Anna has been having stuff taken away from her, her whole life under her parents’ consent only. Her umbilical cord blood as soon as she was born; at the age of five she gave donor lymphocytes which involved drawing blood from the crooks of her arms; a month later she gave more lymphocytes; when she was six she donated granulates but this was when she was young; she was young, she didn't really know what was going on and she knew it was helping her sister. But now she is thirteen and they are asking her to donate one of her kidneys. Now she is thirteen she gets to think about these things and she can make her own decisions but her parents don't think that that's why Anna is suing them for the rights to her own body.
At first I found it rather annoying but as the book got going I liked the fact that it was from all these different perspectives. It showed you what it must be like for a parent to make decisions like the decisions that Sara and Brian have to make involving Anna and Kate. This book is one of the most heart-wrenching, heart-breaking, most upsetting, sad, miserable, books I have read in a long time possibly ever! I am not saying it is the saddest book ever, there are probably lots of books out there sadder than this, but this is pretty high on the sad scale.


21.         “… Anna is suing them for the rights to her own body.”
The underlined word refers to …
A.    Anna and her body
B.     Donations
C.     Kidneys                               
D.    Parents
E.     Things

22.        From the text we can infer that ….
a.       The story has boring plot.
b.      The novel is really outstanding.
c.       The novel has limited perspective.
d.      The story has miserable characters.
e.       The novel has many undone problems.

This text is for questions 23 to 25.

Today there are many people who use their own vehicle to work or go to school. This is one of the causes of traffic jam, especially in a big city. There are some reasons why people stop using public transportation.
First, commuters stop using public transit when they experience delays. They are more likely to forgive delays caused by traffic, emergencies, or mechanical failures. The most significant negative experiences that drove a reduction in transit use were delays perceived to be the fault of the transit agency, long waits at transfer points and being prevented from boarding due to crowding.
Second, commuters are not comfortable in the public transportation. Actually, comfort is the least important factor influencing decisions to stop using public transit. Riders don’t mind standing in crowded buses or trains as long as the vehicles move without delay and run frequently. However, the transport condition can make them annoyed, such as bad smell, air circulation, and criminal case. There are many picked pockets and other criminals who use public transportation as their work place. As the result, the commuters are afraid of using public transport.
From those reason above, it is true that today there are many people not like using public transport which make them late to the destination place and scare of bad people.


23.    What is the communicative purpose of the text?
A.    To describe about public transportation.
B.     To critic the reader of using our own vehicle.
C.     To tell the experience of using our own vehicle.
D.    To entertain the reader to use public transportation
E.     To persuade the reader to stop using public transportation.

24.    It can be inferred from the text that ...
A.    today the public transportation users decrease.
B.     some commuters make traffic jam in a big city.
C.     many public transport agencies improve their facilities.
D.    standing in crawled bus is alright even though it is delayed.
E.     many people use public transportation because they are cheap.

25.    According to the second paragraph, many people stop using public transportation because they assume that public transportation is ...
A.    scary
B.     terrible
C.     punctual
D.    often late
E.     comfortable

This text is for questions 26 and 27.

     Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means that unlike fish or people, they have no backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all.
     Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous systems for sensing the world around them, but no brains. They are made almost entirely of water, which is why you can look through them.
     Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. The light is made by a chemical reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists believe jellyfish glow for several reasons. For example, they may glow to scare away predators or to attract animals they like to eat.
     Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types that live in fresh water. Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the world. They live in warm, tropical seas and in icy waters near the North and South poles.

26.        Based on the text, we know that jellyfish….
A.    live in the lake.
B.     are part of fish.
C.     don`t have brain.
D.    glow when they sleep.
E.     are vertebrate animals.

27.        Which one creates jellyfish`s light?
A.    Ocean
B.     Salt water
C.     Fresh water
D.    Chemical reaction
E.     Stomachs and mouths

This text is for questions 28 to 30.

     Last month my family and I went to Toraja to attend Grandpa’s funeral. It was my first time to go to such a ceremony. We gathered there with our kin in the ceremony.
     Overall, the ceremony was quite elaborate. It took about a week. Several days before the ceremony was done, grandpa’s body was kept in a series of houses arranged in a circular row around an open field called tongkonan. His corpse was dressed in a fine wearing.
     The funeral was performed in two phases. First, we slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes, and then moved the corpse to face north. In this ceremony we wore black clothes. After that, the corpse was placed in a sandal wood coffin. Then, it was brought out of the house and placed on an open platform beneath the granary.
     Meanwhile, my uncle, my brother, and I prepared the wooden puppet and a funeral tower called lakian. The next phase of the ceremony was held in this place. The coffin is borne from the house and placed in the lakian. During the day, there were also buffalo matches. They were great matches. In the night, we were feasting, chanting, and dancing.

28.        The writer said that his grandpa funeral was quite elaborated because …
A.    the family have to come to the funeral.
B.     grandpa’s body was kept in Tongkonan.
C.   the writer’s loved his grandpa very much.
D.   it takes several days to hold the ceremony.
E.    a lot of people come to the grandpa funeral ceremony.

29.        What happened to the grandpa’s corpse before the ceremony?
A.   He visited my Home.
B.   He made tongkonan.
C.   He gathered with family.
D.   He was kept in my home.
E.    He was placed in the tongkonan.

30.        Overall, the ceremony was quite elaborate.
What does the underlined word mean?
A.    Giving a bless
B.     Making people sad
C.     Taking a sad moment
D.    Taking a long process
E.     Making people happy

This text for questions 31 to 33.

YONKERS, Jan 12th. A four alarm fire damage 14 stores today in the Cross Country Shopping Center, the largest shopping center in Westchester Country. Two fire investigators said the blaze apparently started in a pile of cardboard cartons at the rear of a shoe store and spread through a utility duct above the 13 other stores. The fire started at 4.40 p.m. and was declared under control at 6.14 p.m. The center is on the Cross County Parkway at the Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Thruway.
Five fire fighters were busy at the scene. Lieut John Carey of the Yonkers Arson Squad said the cause of the fire was under investigation.


31.        The text mainly tells us about....
A.    The Yonkers Arson Squad
B.     The balze at a shoe store
C.     A fire in the shopping center
D.    A shopping center in the cross country
E.     The largest shopping center in Westchester Country

32.        How many investigators and fire fighters were involved in the scene?
A.    two
B.     seven
C.     twelve
D.    thirteen
E.     fourteen

33.        The fire has lasted about....
A.    Fourty five minutes
B.     One and half hours
C.     Half an hour
D.    Two hours
E.     One hour

This text is for questions 34 to 35.

The Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 8,851.8 kilometers (5,500 miles) from east to west of China. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.
            Great Wall of China is the longest structure ever built. It was erected entirely by hand.  The main part of the wall is about 3,460 kilometers long. One of the highest sections of the Great Wall, on Mount Badaling, near Beijing, rises to about 11 meter high. This section is about 7.5 meters wide at its base and nearly 6 meter at the top. Watchtowers stand about 90 to 180 meter apart along the wall.

34.        What is the purpose of the text?
A.    To tell about the Great Wall
B.     To report the Great Wall of China
C.     To describe the  Great Wall of China
D.    To inform about  the Great Wall of China
E.     To persuade the reader to visit  Great Wall of China

35.        What makes people attracted to come to Great Wall?
A.    It was erected entirely by hand.
B.     Great Wall of China is the longest structure ever built
C.     It  has architectural grandeur and historical significance.
D.    The main part of the wall is about 3,460 kilometers long.
E.     This section is about 7.5 meters wide at its base and nearly 6 meters at the top.

This text is for questions 36 to 38!
                                                       2012 Film Review

2012 is Roland Emmerich’s film which uses the Mayan Calendar and other end-of-days prophecies for their doomsday scenario. It imagines the world coming to an end in 2012.
2012 film brings off a series of wonders. The movie hits its peak early on. It stars when Cusack drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeway and skyscrapers crumble all around him from the shock of a 10.5 earthquake. The preposterous flying sequence is equally thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark. When an equipment malfunction almost threatens the entire mission.
         Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or edited with the requisite clarity. In 2012 film, Emmerich leaves us befuddled as to exactly what is happening to whom. However, Emmerich’2012 deserves credit for offbeat casting. Cusack supplies his trademark hangdog charm. McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as Peet’s cocky. Danny Glover lends dignity to the role of the tormented president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of anguish to a stock role. Platt has fun playing the villain of the piece, and Woody Harrelson also chews the scenery as a bug-eyed radio prophet trying to warn his listeners about Armageddon.
                  All in one, 2012’s cinematography, production design and visual effects are award-worthy. Music also propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-up, Adam Lambert, who provides a rousing anthem over the end credits.

36.        The writer of the film 2012 was ....
A.    Adam Lambert
B.     Danny Glover
C.     Cusack
D.    Roland Emmerich
E.     Nick Everhart

37.        Which part of the film should be improved?
A.    The music.
B.     The design.
C.     Visual effect.
D.    The equipment.
E.     Crucial sequence.

38.        “The movie hits its peak early on “ (paragraph 2)
         The underlined word is closest is meaning to ....
A.    average
B.     failure
C.     top
D.    name
E.     descent

39.        Read the following text and answer the question.
A lot has changed in the world since John Doe established “Doe Radio and Television Service”. Because we are now a leader in computer and cellular telephone service, we are changing our name to “Doe Electronic Technologies”.  We think John would be pleased.
 As part of this event, we invite you to stop by anytime during the next month to receive a special 20% discount on any compact discs, computer equipment, or cellular phones. It is always a pleasure to serve you.
         Which item is on discount 20%?
A.    Radios.
B.     Services.
C.     Telephones.
D.    Televisions.
E.      Compact disc.
40.        Arrange the sentences below into a good order.
1.    At the further of the wood was another pretty cottage
2.    There was once  a sweet maid who lived in a pretty cottage
3.    She gave her a red clock with a hood which she always wear
4.    Where grandmother lived in
5.    Everybody loved this little girl, her grandmother loved her most of all
6.    So, people called her Red Riding Hood
         The best arrangement is ….
A.  1-2-4-3-5-6
B.  2-1-3-4-5-6
C.  2-1-4-5-3-6
D.  1-2-3-4-5-6
E.   2-3-1-4-5-6

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