Kamis, 06 Januari 2022

Latihan Soal: Reading Comprehension Pt. 2

Kamu Pasti Bisa

Ada beberapa jenis pertanyaan yang umum kita jumpai setelah membac teks. Teks yang kita baca biasanya berkisar jenis teks essay bahasa Inggris dan teks functional. Kedua macam teks ini akan diujikan dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan cara menjawab beberapa pertanyaan berdasarkan teks yang dibaca. Pertanyaan yang diberikan juga bervariasi tapi umunya sekitaran 4 hal berikut:

1. Skimming Informasi Umum, biasanya dengan berbagai redaksi pertanyaan:
• What is the topic of the text ?
• What is the subject of the text passage?
• What is the main idea of the text / passage?
• What is the author’s main point in the passage?
• What is the author primary concerned?
• Which of the following would be the best title?
• What does the paragraph probably discuss?
Contoh Soal Skimming tentang informasi umum
What does the text tell us about?
A. The forest fire and the effect in Indonesia.
B. The worst condition of forest fire in Indonesia.
C. The victims of the forest fire in Sumatra and Kalimantan.
D. The instruction from Jokowi to review all peatland licenses.
E. The research evidence that peat swamps in nature is resistant to fire.
2. Scanning Infromasi Tertentu, biasanya dengan berbagai redaksi pertanyaan:
• What is the name of the teacher?
• Where did they go after the meeting?
• When was he born?
• How did she look when you met her?
• What is the price of a glass of orange juice?
Contoh Soal Scanning tentang informai tertentu
How people earn PokeDates?
A. By referring a computer.
B. By paying US$20 per date.
C. By signing up to service.
D. By going on a date.
E. By offline dating.
3. Pertanyaan Inference/Reading Between The Lines (Informasi tersirat, menyimpulkan berdasarkan bukti), biasanya dengan berbagai redaksi pertanyaan:
• What can be inferred from paragraph 1?
• What does the writer suggest in the last paragraph?
• Based on the information in the text, why do you think the man lied to his wife?
Contoh Soal Inference atau kesimpulan
What can we infer from the text?
A. Many people suffered from serious illness because of the haze.
B. Only children have been hospitalized from severe respiratory illness
C. The main cause of haze in Riau came from the slashing and burning of forest areas
D. Companies could convert active forest and deep peat into monoculture plantation.
E. The president has instructed the forestry and environment ministry to issue new permit for plantation.
4. Pertanyaan Detailed Information (Informasi Rinci ), biasanya dengan berbagai redaksi pertanyaan:
• Which of the following is true according to the text?
• The author mentions all of the following as important in determining the pipeline’s route EXCEPT : …
• According to the paragraph, why did he do …
• According to the paragraph, how did he do …
Contoh Soal Informasi Rinci
How can people be powerful to earn money online?
A. To create blog
B. To sell product
C. To join association
D. To join social media
E. To contact entrepreneurs
Keempat jenis pertanyaan inilah yang paling sering kita jumpai dalam semua soal jenis teks bahasa Inggris, ya udah lah langsung saja ayo kita hajar latihan soalnya dalam link berikut ini:

(=======SOAL SOAL ADA DISINI. KLIK AJA.  ==========)

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