Kamis, 30 September 2021

Inference, Conclusion & Passive Voice


Guru Bhs. Inggris Prosus INTEN Grand Wisata & Tambun Selatan

 Inference: Inference is something that uses facts to determine other facts. It is done by examining the facts of a given situation and determining what those facts suggest about the situation. For example, if you come with a knife in your hand, I probably would infer that you mean to do some harm to me. Inference can be accurate or inaccurate, justified or unjustified, logical or illogical. 


Conclusion: A conclusion is the next logical step in the information series. A statement requires two conditions to serve as a conclusion. First, it must be logically derived statement from the information given. Second, It must not be inferred from the given statement. For example, if you see that my watch is broken, it can’t be repaired now and I know the shop that has the same watch. So, conclusion would be that I would buy that watch.


So, here’s is the link. You can do both exercises. Semangat~


A. Link Kuis khusus bagian reading saja (10 soal) 

Soal di bawah ini sama saja, hanya ketambahan lima soal passive voice.


 B. Link Kuis Chapter 5: Inference, Conclusion & Passive Voice (5 Reading + 5 Grammar)


Dan ini adalah link kuis yang berisi khusus Passive Voice (30 Soal):

C. Link Kuis Bagian Khusus Passive Voice


Okay semuanya.... semangaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat



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